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Tech Talent.

Get access to top Tech talent with in depth, verified insights.

Not just another recruitment platform

Exclusive Tech Talent with In-Depth Verified Insights

Access a vast pool of Tech Talent that has been already interviewed and find out their salary expectations, work history and preferences.

Screen Candidates in Seconds

Every candidate profile is vetted and standardized. You can use advanced filtering and quickly view all important information to screen candidate profiles fast.

Unparalleled Response Rate

With 85% response rate, you are able to quickly move forward in the recruitment process. Our candidates respond on average in only 3 days.

0 %
Response Rate
0 %
Interview Acceptance Rate
Days Avg Response Time
0 +
Monthly New Vetted Profiles
With 30+ candidate data points​

With 10+ unique insights collected  through interview

Αccess to talent datapoints
Easy to use
Accessed through an easy to use platform
With Advanced filtering

with filters including experience, salary range, skills , motivation and many others


And a variety of tech roles

job roles
Contact us!

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