How talents build a success story? by SHOPFLIX

How talents build a success story by SHOPFLIX (

Τι θα μάθουμε:

Πώς είναι τελικά να δουλεύεις σε μια νεοσύστατη εταιρεία και να γίνεσαι μέρος της ανάπτυξής της; Τι είναι αυτό που θα σε έκανε να ξεχωρίσεις για να ξεκινήσεις την συνεργασία σου με το SHOPFLIX και να γίνεις μέλος μιας ομάδας που θα αξιοποιήσει το ταλέντο σου και θα ωθήσει την καριέρα σου; Στελέχη από διαφορετικές θέσεις του SHOPFLIX μοιράζονται το ταξίδι τους και την συναρπαστική τους εμπειρία από μια εταιρεία που συνεχώς εξελίσσεται… Ένα χρόνο πριν άνοιξε τις «πόρτες» της στην Ελληνική αγορά με λίγους ανθρώπους και μεγάλο όραμα…Σήμερα απαριθμεί 120 Shopflixees και είναι ήδη το αγαπημένο marketplace που σε συντροφεύει σε κάθε στιγμή της ζωής σου.


Ρενάτα Φωτεινού, CCΟ @ SHOPFLIX

Βέρα Παπαγγελοπούλου, Head of Marketing @ SHOPFLIX

Ηλίας Γιαννούλης, Content Editor @ SHOPFLIX

Παναγιώτα Μπακάκου, Content Editor @ SHOPFLIX

Άρης Γεωργάτος, Content Editor @ SHOPFLIX

Ποιοι είναι οι Ομιλητές μας; 

Renata Foteinou in an experienced commercial executive in ecommerce, marketplaces, and retail, with more than 10 years of experience in commercial positions and 5 years in marketplaces and ecommerce environments. In 2021 she assumed the position of Chief Commercial Officer for SHOPFLIX where together with the rest of the management team they built and introduced a new marketplace in the Greek market, which quickly grew to a strong and trustworthy brand with strong nationwide reputation. She has gained experience in diverse industries, tobacco, electronics apparel and footwear serving both B2B and B2C clientele. She is a hardworking, results oriented executive who leads and works well with teams, while driving change and implementing the company’s strategy.

Vera Papangelopoulou is the Head of Marketing Department for SHOPFLIX. She is involved in Communications Industry for the last 18 years and has helped companies to build a strong brand image and determine critical business goals. Applying marketing techniques and making use of digital tools to attract engaged clients is totally her thing. Having a sound background in Communication and Mass Media field, she can ensure consistent messaging across all communications materials, and she can lead the balance between all the different tasks concerning marketing strategy. Furthermore, after having run her own business, she has gained the expertise of comprehending what works and what does not in a company. She is an energetic Communications Specialist, qualified in digital marketing techniques, and deeply experienced in business world, eager to contribute to her company’s impact.